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Keble and Newman's Corner, or @keble_and_newmans_corner, is the primary platform where we at Keble and Newman's Corner operate. We primarily work with LGBTQIA+ Christians, along with those (both LGBTQIA+ or straight) who are searching for answers, seeking to find meaning in their life, and those who want to know Our Lord Jesus Christ better and in the spirit of inclusiveness and community.
We would love for you stop by, no matter who you are or who you love!

Image by Joshua Eckstein
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Church Interior


A message from our Admin and Founder, Grayson Myers

I started Keble and Newman's Corner out of the ashes of a personal account that was used as a platform for promoting the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. After two years of being a Roman Catholic, I went through a very rough patch in my faith life, which concluded in me coming out as a gay man, and me being forced out of the Roman Catholic Church because of my sexuality. After wandering between the Eastern Orthodox, Anglican/Episcopal, and Lutheran expressions of liturgical Christianity, I settled in a local Episcopalian Church in the Charlotte Area.

After my account remained slightly dormant (as I figured out what I truly believed) for about three months, I came to the realization (which I can only say with a clear conscience was the moving of the Holy Spirit in my heart) that I (as a gay man) am a beloved child of Almighty God, and was created this way by a loving Father, who found me good and loved every aspect of how he created me to be, including my queerness. After that realization, I quickly felt the Holy Spirit's tug to A. Pursue Holy Orders through The Episcopal Church, and B. to repurpose my once Roman Catholic blog into an Anglican/Episcopalian Christian Instagram based platform, which would have (as it's main mission and goal) the purpose of bringing the LGBTQIA+ children of God back to where they should and do belong: The walls of the Church. 

As of the day I write this message to you, Keble and Newman's Corner boasts around 560 followers, which is enough followers to provoke me to take the liberty of making our once simple Instagram blog into a multi-platformed, privately funded ministry, with the teachings of Anglican/Episcopalian Christianity at it's core.  

The night that I write this message for you, beloved child of God, is known in the Western Christian tradition as the Vigil of the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Tomorrow (the day after the day that I write this message) is the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, which celebrates the birth (and therefore the beginning of the ministry of) St. John the Baptist. St. John the Baptist was the forerunner and the prophet who cried as a voice from the wilderness, "prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight his paths." I (and all of us here at Keble and Newman's Corner) find it very appropriate that we have chosen to launch this website on the Vigil of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, as we have made it our mission here to herald the same Gospel that St. John the Baptist heralded, namely to "prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight his paths." We (as a ministry) have made it our main goal to make sure that ALL Christians, regardless of who they are or who they love, may prepare the way of our Lord Jesus Christ, and cry (as people of all sexualities, genders, races, nationalities, etc.) in the spirit of St. John the Baptist, so that when our Lord comes with (as the old hymn, "Lo he Comes with Clouds Descending" adequately states) "with Clouds Descending", we may all welcome him with the same famous words that St. John the Baptist used, "Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the whole world!", and prepare in our own hearts a place for our Lord to make his home in us. 

In the Spirit of St. John the Baptist, 

Grayson Myers

The Vigil of the Feast of the Nativity of St, John the Baptist

June 23, 2021 Anno Domini

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We here at Keble and Newman's Corner are committed to making sure that you experience the love, mercy, and kindness of God. If we have fallen short of this commitment, or if you have any other feedback for us, we would love to hear from you. 
We ask that you please fill out the following form, so that we here at Keble and Newman's Corner can do our very best to make sure that your experience will be the very best in the future.

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